Why you can trust Autoblog

Why you can trust Autoblog

At Autoblog, our commitment to delivering honest and unbiased content is at the core of everything we do. Whether it’s our deals content, best lists, or product reviews on automotive accessories, gear, tools and more, our readers can trust us to provide authentic and unbiased insights into the products they’re interested in.

Affiliate links

Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn a commission.

Deals posts

To add value to our readers we regularly cover deals on a wide range of products and product categories – from automotive tech and accessories to tools and lawn equipment. We choose our deals based on factors like the sale price, the significance of the discount, whether or not we’ve had first-hand experience with the product, available sales data, examination of user reviews and ratings, third-party pricing trackers, and other quality control measures that help us find the best deals on the best products. We select products featured in deals posts from retailers and brands we’ve come to trust to be reputable. Sometimes we feature a deal because of an incredible discount. In the instances when a deal is too good to ignore but we don’t know a lot about the product or the brand that made it we will state this in the article.

If we’ve tested a product that is featured in a deal post then we will indicate the results of the testing and link to any relevant content that will help inform a purchase decision

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Best lists

The goal of our best list articles is to give our users a selection of the top options, from a few different perspectives, for a given product category. If you’re looking, for example, for the best dash cam we’ll offer several excellent examples of dash cams at various price points currently available online. 

The idea of “best” can be subjective. One item could be best for the price while another is best overall. Clarifying and providing context for what we mean by “best” is the aim of the levels that we assign to individual products.

To help readers make informed decisions before checkout, we aim to pick products based on first-hand experience, whenever possible. If we haven’t personally tested a product we draw upon a carefully researched aggregation of hard data and anecdotal information. We look at user ratings, user reviews, sales data, specs comparisons between products and more. As technology, pricing, and market availability change, our opinions may change as well.

Sponsored content

Occasionally, Autoblog may run sponsored content in partnership with an advertiser or other third party. These articles will be clearly labeled as such. Autoblog may earn a commission on products bought through links found in sponsored content articles.