What’s the Weirdest Thing You’ve Found in Your Car?

What’s the Weirdest Thing You’ve Found in Your Car?

What weird things have you found lurking in the back seat of your car?m Gif: Warner Bros.

Summer’s here, which means it’s time to clean out the car and give it the tender loving care it deserves before you undertake your big summer travel plans. And that means you might be about to unearth some strange artifacts that have been lingering around the footwells. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found in your car?

Maybe it was a present for someone that you left in the trunk for safe keeping, only for it to be lost and forgotten for months on end. Fingers crossed nobody found any festering food in the footwells!

It might not even be something you left there yourself. If you bought a used car off someone that wasn’t particularly thorough when selling it, you could unearth all manner of horrors when you finally give it a good clean.

And surely someone out there has found something truly cursed lurking in their car’s cracks and crevices?

Inspiration for today’s question came in our call for the worst cars to drive in cities. There, several people suggested pickup trucks and convertibles were bad as passersby might toss their trash in your car when it’s parked. And that led commenter Pandamaniac to suggest something along the lines of “What’s the weirdest thing(s) you’ve found in the back of your pick up or convertible that wasn’t there when you parked it?”

So, as well as things you’ve found in your cars, does anything fall into Pandamaniac’s suggestion of items that were left by others when you parked your pickup or convertible in a busy city center?

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Whether it’s something you’ve found inside your car or in the back of your pickup truck, we want to know about it. So, head to the comments and let us know some of the weirdest things you’ve found in your cars.

We’ll round up some of the best suggestions in a slideshow tomorrow.