What's The Best Car You Saw This Weekend?

What's The Best Car You Saw This Weekend?

Image for article titled What's The Best Car You Saw This Weekend?

Photo: Steve DaSilva

It’s a Friday once again. As the weekend rolls in like waves lapping at the shore as the tide slowly rises, eroding the sand bit by bit like the hours until quitting time, the question naturally arises: What will you do with your two days off? And, the biggest question of all, what cars will you see?

That’s right, for today’s QOTD, we’re talking carspotting. Carspotting is one of the most beloved and universal hobbies of automotive enthusiasts; no matter your specific interests, from lowriders to trophy trucks, it brings us all together for a single unified purpose: Going “Hey, cool car.”

Image for article titled What's The Best Car You Saw This Weekend?

Photo: Steve DaSilva

Of course, asking for your favorite cars of the weekend on a Friday doesn’t make much sense. It’s still the week, you haven’t seen your weekend cars yet. So, for this Question of the Day, we’re giving you the full weekend to respond. Venture out into the world, experience its flaws and virtues, find yourself reborn in the sunrise over a shore you’ve never before seen — and, while you’re there, take some car pictures.

I, for once, will not be spending the weekend drilling holes in my Miata, so I’ll be able to make some time for shooting cars around New York City. Maybe I’ll even stumble across my personal white whale: The extremely loud R32 Skyline that passes my apartment once every few months, stereo and exhaust echoing off the surrounding buildings in equal measure.

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Image for article titled What's The Best Car You Saw This Weekend?

Photo: Steve DaSilva

So take the weekend, wander your local roads, and find something neat street-parked outside your nearest bodega, strip mall, or Dave & Busters dining and entertainment establishment. We aren’t grading you on the quality of your photography, but on how cool the cars are that you find. Give us your favorite carspotting shots this weekend, and we’ll collect them on Monday for all to enjoy.