Paid Leave Oregon

Paid Leave Oregon is a New State-run employee time off program. Oregon will start payroll deductions on January 1st, 2023.  Paid leave requests will start being processed and paid by The State of Oregon on September 3rd, 2023. Who is going to pay for all that paid time off you ask? Great question! The employees themselves and their employers. This is how the payment breaks down.

Cost of the program is estimated to be 1% of employees gross wages.60% of the contribution will be paid by employees taken out of each paycheck40% will be paid by the employer (unless you are under 25 employees then this contribution is optional)

The Oregon Employment Department Explains Paid Leave Oregon

Employee Portion of Paid Leave Oregon

What would this look like for a minimum wage full time Employee (minimum wage being $13.50/hour as of September 2022.)?

The employee will be paying 60% of the 1% of gross wages.

Employee Bi-Weekly Paycheck  Employee Monthly PaycheckEmployee Annual Cost$1,080 (paycheck) x .006 (PL Tax)= $6.48 (Cost to employee)$2,160 (paycheck) x .006 (PL tax) = $12.96 (cost to employee)$25,920 (paycheck) x .006 (PL tax) = $155.52 (cost to employee)   Example of Employee Portion of Paid Leave Oregon

Employer Portion of Paid Leave Oregon

What would this look like for an Employer using the employee example above?

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The employer will be paying 40% of the 1% of gross wages.

Employer Bi-Weekly Paycheck  Employer Monthly PaycheckEmployer Annual Cost$1,080 (paycheck) x .004 (PL Tax)= $4.32 (Cost to employer)$2,160 (paycheck) x .004 (PL tax) = $8.64(cost to employer)$25,920 (paycheck) x .004 (PL tax) = $103.68 (cost to employer)Example of Employer Portion of Paid Leave Oregon

What do Employee’s get by participating in Paid Leave Oregon?

Time Off with Pay

Employees can take up to 12 weeks of paid time off in a yearIf an employee is pregnant, has given birthday or has health issuers related to childbirth, they may be able to take up to two more weeks, for a total of 14 weeks.Employees can take leave for a week or a single day at a time

Job Protection

By law, each job is protected while the employee is on leave if that individual has worked at least 90 days for that employer.By law, the employer can not fire the employee or threaten them for taking time off if the employee is eligible.By law, if an employee has worked for an employer for at least 90 days, and the employee takes paid leave, the employee has the right to the same job position they had when they left. This means the employee does not lose their job title or role.

Types of Leave Covered for the Employee

Events that happen in an employee’s life or in an employee’s family member’s life that keep them from working may mean they qualify for coverage. These can fall into three different categories: Family, Medical and Safe Leave.

Family Leave

The birth of a childBonding with a child:In the first year after birth.Through adoption.When they’re placed in your home through foster care.To care for a family member with a serious illness or injury.

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Medical Leave

To care for oneself when an employee has a serious illness or injury.

Safe Leave

For survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, or stalking.

Who is a “Family Member”

A “family member” is any of the following:

An employee’s spouse or domestic partner.An employee’s child or the child’s spouse or domestic partner.An employee’s parent or An employee’s parent’s spouse or domestic partner.An employee’s sibling or step-sibling or their spouse or domestic partner.An employee’s grandparent or An employee’s grandparent’s spouse or domestic partner.An employee’s grandchild or An employee’s grandchild’s spouse or domestic partner.Anyone An employee’s is related to by blood or anyone who lives with or is connected to an employee like a family member.

What do Employer’s Get by Participating in Paid Leave Oregon?

Less Human Resources for Employers

Employers are not responsible for making payments into Paid Leave Oregon if they are a small employer with fewer than 25 employees. Your employees will still pay their portion and get the same benefits. Employers should work with a payroll company to make sure all Paid Leave Oregon payments are taken from employees paychecks starting January 1st 2023.Employers are not responsible for deciding if an employee is eligible or managing any employee claims. Paid Leave Oregon takes care of that.Employers are not responsible for paying your employees when they take Paid Leave. Paid Leave Oregon pays them an amount while they take time off. (Most employees will receive 100% wage replacement).Employers should receive a 30 notice from their employee of a planned Paid Leave (such as for a birth of a child)Employers will be notified within 24 hours and then given written notice within three days of a starting emergency paid leave.All Employers must notify employees of the Paid Leave Oregon Plan in writing.

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Does my business have to participate in Paid Leave Oregon?

No, you can submit an equivalent paid leave plan to the state of Oregon for approval. Your equivalent plan must provide benefits that are equal to or greater than the benefits Paid Leave Oregon Provides. If you already offer paid leave to your employees or ar thinking about doing so, you can apply for it to be an equivalent plan.

Please keep in mind that an equivalent pan means:

The employer offers the same or more benefits than Paid Leave Oregon offers.The employer cannot deduct more from employee’s contributions than Paid Leave OrgonThe employer must first have the Oregon Employment Department approve the plan.

Learn how to submit an equivalent plan here.

All employees will be contributing to the Oregon Paid Leave system starting January 1st, 2023. Employees will be contributing 60% of the 1% of their gross wages through their paycheck. All employers over 25 employees will be contributing 40% of the 1% of their employees’ gross wages starting January 1st, 2023. Everyone who is an employee will now have access to Paid Leave through the state of Oregon starting September 3, 2023.

If you are self-employed or a 1099 contractor, click here to learn about your options.

Still have questions? Visit the Employer FAQ page. The State of Oregon is continuing to update these pages with resources for employers.

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