What Car Would You Never Recommend Anyone Buys?

What Car Would You Never Recommend Anyone Buys?

Is there a car all your friends should steer clear of? Photo: Stellantis

Whether you’re after advice on a new gadget for around the house, a new job you’re thinking of going for, or a once-in-a-lifetime trip you’re considering taking, it’s always nice getting advice from someone you trust. When it comes to getting a new set of wheels for your garage, that’s no different and if you’re reading Jalopnik there’s a good chance you’ve been the one both giving and receiving advice on this very subject.

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Whether it’s a friend or family member that’s come to you for new car pointers, is there one car that you could never wholeheartedly recommend? That’s what we want to uncover today.

Maybe your lack of faith in a car came from previous ownership. Did you own a car that left little to be desired in the performance department? Perhaps it was a car that broke down at every opportunity, or you might have also driven a Vauxhall Adam that was way too small, underpowered and had bits that fell off if you went over a speed hump?

Or instead, you might have heard from a friend about a nightmare daily driver they once owned, so will now stop at nothing to ensure nobody else endures the hell that is owning a classic Lotus, Triumph or, really, any old British car for that matter.

Personally, while I’ll admit the Adam was lacking in several departments, the car recently that I’ve driven and wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy was a diesel Jeep Gladiator truck I was stuck with on a 2,000-mile drive. It was too damn tall, was uncomfortable to ride on the highway and was so un-economical I was worried I’d not make it to the next fuel stop on several occasions. Sure, it was great at lugging camping gear and making you feel like a steak-eating, gun-toting, freedom-loving American, but it’s not something I’d wish on anyone I truly cared for.

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But what have you got? What cars out there would you never recommend to a friend asking for new car advice? Head to the comments below to let us know your picks and we’ll round up some of the worst offenders in a slideshow next week.