What Brand Should Open A Pop-Up Pitstop Next?

What Brand Should Open A Pop-Up Pitstop Next?

Last week, Cheez-It opened a pop-up pitstop in California that we didn’t even hear about until it was already closed. So sadly, no one at Jalopnik will get to enjoy the Cheez-It pump filling our cars with Cheez-Its. We’re just going to have to go to a regular grocery store to pay for and bring boxes of Cheez-Its out to our cars like normal people. So rude. Especially if said grocery store doesn’t have the objectively superior Cheddar Jack Cheez-Its in stock. You’re really going to force me to settle for White Cheddar, Kroger? Really.

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But anyway, the Cheez-It pitstop got us thinking about other brands that should do a pop-up pitstop. Preferably for longer than a week so that people (us at Jalopnik) actually have time to find out about it and give it a visit. After a bit of pondering, I’ve decided that my answer is Cheerwine. Growing up, we could only get it when we went to visit my grandparents in North Carolina, so it’s always had a special place in my heart.

Times have changed, though, and you can actually buy Cheerwine in large parts of the country. According to the website, it’s even available in New York City. But it’s still not nearly as popular as a lot of other sodas. Perhaps because to people drinking it without any nostalgia attached to it, Cheerwine can taste a bit like carbonated cough syrup. Weirdos.

So I say it’s time for a Cheerwine pitstop. Let’s get some influencers to come by, serve them some barbecue and Cheerwine and make the pride of Salisbury, North Carolina trend on TikTok. Even better, let’s replace the gas pumps with Cheerwine pumps so you can fill up your car with can after can of the stuff. It may not be for everybody, but I know I’d at least be willing to road trip for the experience.

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But what about you? What brand would you like to see open a pitstop? Let us know down in the comments.