Up to 70% off on a ton of outdoor gear and accessories at REI

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Get high-quality brands at low prices with REI’s clearance drop. The outdoor enthusiast brand has revealed more goodies on clearance to upgrade your outdoor gear kit without breaking the bank. Whether you’re getting ready for an adventure hike, a backpacking trip, or looking for great deals for your outdoor gear this clearance selection is an opportunity to get high-quality items for way less. You don’t have to be an REI Co-op member to take advantage of these clearance savings. See all of the REI clearance items here, or read on to see our list of curated items.
$44.83 at REI
We know what you’re thinking: Why are we featuring a winter jacket during summer? This highly rated winter jacket is 70% off, and there is no better time to get your hands on one of these than right now. The North Face has been a leader in outdoor performance clothing and gear, and this jacket aims to be your go-to when winter comes around again. It features a wind-resistant WindWall fabric, a non-PFC durable water-repellent finish, and an integrated thumb loop. Don’t miss out on the savings that reduce the original price of $150 to just $44.83 after the 70% discount.
Key specs
Best use: Fitness, running
Fabric: 95% recycled polyester and 5% elastane
Insulated: Yes
Packable: Yes
$20.83 at REI
Colorful, vibrant, and comfortable, the Outdoor Afro and REI Co-op collaboration created the trail shorts to celebrate Black joy, connection to nature, and inclusion in outdoor recreation. It features a faux fly, utility back belt loop, fully elasticized waistband, and drawcord adjustability. Aside from the multiple zippered pockets, the lightweight pull-on shorts provide sun protection with their UPF 50+ rating, protecting against harmful UV rays. Outdoor Afro + REI Co-op Trail Shorts are $20.83 after a 70% discount.
Key specs
Fabric: 94% nylon and 6% spandex
Sun-protective fabric: Yes
Moisture wicking: Yes
Inseam: 7-inches
$50.83 at REI
Venture out into the wilderness with this REI Co-op TT (Technical Terrain) boot made from recycled materials. This more eco-friendly footwear is made with FirmaWeave, which offers durability and protection for long days on the trail. Designed to be breathable, yet it allows hikers to fully immerse in nature even when wet thanks to its fully waterproof HydroWall. The upper of the boot is made from 90% recycled materials, and the lining is made from 75% recycled material. Originally the REI Co-op Flash TT Hiking Boots were priced at $170, but REI’s 70% clearance discount dropped the price to $50.83.
Key specs
Best use: Hiking
Footwear height: Over-the-ankle
Weight: 1.7 lbs
Midsole: TerraLoft+ Hike 20% recycled and 10% bio-based material
Sustainability: Recycled material from a Climate Neutral Certified brand