Triple-I: Dog-Related Injury Claim Payouts Hit $1.12 Billion in 2023

National Dog Bite Prevention Week Is This Week

In marking National Dog Bite Prevention Week this week, the Triple III released this report as part of its initiative to raise awareness about the risks associated with dog bites. The goal is to educate the public on preventive measures that can significantly reduce the incidence of such injuries.

In joining that effort, Dr. Rena Carlson, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) offered her thoughts. “Dogs are not just pets; they are beloved members of our households, providing joy, companionship, and comfort in our lives,” she said. “While the reality is that any dog can bite, most such incidents are preventable. As we mark National Dog Bite Prevention Week, let’s commit to increasing our understanding of the issue and taking proactive steps towards prevention. Together, we can nurture the bonds we share with our dogs and ensure the safety of our families and communities.”

Claims increased 110% over the past decade

Dog bite and dog-related injuries claims saw an 8% increase from 2022 to 2023 and a 110% increase over the past decade according to the latest data from the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) and State Farm. Overall, the Triple-I reported that the total amount of dog-related injuries in 2023 tallied a whopping $1,116,000,000. Similar to years past, California, Florida, and Texas were identified as having the highest number of these types of claims.

“As the largest property insurer in the country, State Farm is committed to educating people about pet owner responsibility and how to safely interact with dogs,” said Heather Paul, media relations specialist at State Farm. “It is important to recognize that any dog, including ones that are in the home, can bite or cause injury. Every dog has a unique personality and while breed or type may dictate how they look, how a dog reacts isn’t guaranteed by those qualities.”

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The Triple I estimate that over 65 million U.S. households own dogs, with approximately 90 million dogs currently living in these U.S households.

Number of U.S. Households That Own a Pet, by Type of Animal (millions)

PetNumberDog65.1Cat46.5Freshwater fish11.1Small animal6.7Bird6.1Reptile6.0Horse2.2Saltwater fish2.2Source: American Pet Products Association’s 2022-2023 National Pet Owners Survey.

Out of these numbers, approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year, with the majority of those bitten being children.

Janet Ruiz, the Triple-I’s Director of Strategic Communications, noted the number of dog bite and related injury claims was 19,062, an increase of more than 8% from 2022 and a 110% increase over the past decade. All in all, total cost of claims was calculated to be $1.12 billion.

Underscoring the need for continued targeted educational and training programs in her comments on data, she emphasized that that “Education and training for owners and pets is key to keep everyone safe and healthy.”  

An increase in claims, despite a decrease in cost

Despite the growing number of claims, however, the report uncovered a silver lining in the data: the average cost per claim has seen a decrease, indicating perhaps more effective management and resolution of these incidents. Specifically, the average cost per claim decreased approximately 9.3% in 2023, from $64,555 in 2022 to $58,545. While the decrease in average claim cost is welcome, over the past nine years, the trend as been in the opposite direction. According to the report, the average cost per claim nationally has risen 82.5% from 2014 to 2023. Factors includings increased medical costs as well as the size of settlements, judgments and jury awards given to plaintiffs, are cited as the reasons for this upward trend.

Estimated Number and Cost of Dog Bite Claims, 2014-2023 (1)

YearValue of claims
($ millions)Number
of claimsAverage cost
per claim (2)Percent change, 2022-2023-1.8%8.3%-9.3%Percent change, 2014-2023110.2%15.2%82.5%2014$530.816,550$32,0722015571.315,35237,2142016602.218,12333,2302017686.318,52237,0512018674.917,29739,0172019796.817,80244,7602020853.717,59750,2452021881.917,98949,02520221,136.017,59764,55520231,116.019,06258,545(1) Includes other dog-related injuries that have impacted claims such as fractures or other blunt force trauma injuries.
(2) Calculated from unrounded data.

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Source: Insurance Information Institute, State Farm®.

Top 10 States By Estimated Number and Cost of Dog Bite Claims, 2023 (1)

RankStateNumber of claimsAverage cost
per claim (2)Value of claims
($ millions)1California2,104$68,125$143.32Florida1,53266,615102.13Texas1,04059,92562.34Michigan93269,16864.55Ohio88539,11934.66Pennsylvania85753,91446.27New York85166,57856.78Illinois83773,79761.89New Jersey64962,29540.410Georgia49557,57228.5 Top 1010,182$62,891$640.4 Other8,880$53,561$475.6 Total United States19,062$58,545$1,116.0(1) Includes other dog-related injuries that have impacted claims such as fractures or other blunt force trauma injuries.
(2) Calculated from unrounded data.
Source: Insurance Information Institute, State Farm®.

Tips to Share with Insureds on How to Prevent Dog Bites

The following are tips provided by the Triple-I on how to help prevent dog bites:

Dogs can bite for many reasons, including improper care or a lack of socialization. All dogs, even well-trained, gentle dogs, are capable of biting when provoked, especially when eating, sleeping or caring for puppies. Therefore, it’s vitally important to keep both children and dogs safe by preventing dog bites wherever possible. The National Dog Bite Prevention Week Coalition provides the following tips:

Make sure your pet is healthy. Not all illnesses and injuries are obvious, and dogs are more likely to bite if they are sick or in pain. If you haven’t been to the veterinarian in a while, schedule an appointment for a checkup to discuss your dog’s physical and behavioral health.

Prioritize proper socialization: Socialization involves gently introducing your dog to a range of settings, people, and other animals, and ensuring these experiences are positive. Whether it’s quietly observing the bustle of a park, meeting new people in a controlled manner, or getting used to the sights and sounds of your neighborhood, each positive experience builds confidence. Remember, socialization is a lifelong journey, not just a puppy phase.

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Take it slow. If your dog has been mainly interacting with your family since you brought them home, don’t rush out into crowded areas or dog parks. Try to expose your dogs to new situations slowly and for short periods of time, arrange for low-stress interactions, and look for behaviors that indicate your dog is comfortable and happy to remain in the situation.

Understand your dog’s needs and educate yourself in positive training techniques. Recognize your dog’s body language and advocate for them in all situations. This will give your dog much needed skills and help you navigate any challenges you might encounter.

Be responsible about approaching other people’s pets. Ask permission from the owner before approaching a dog, and look for signs that the dog wants to interact with you. Sometimes dogs want to be left alone, and we need to recognize and respect that.

Make sure that you are walking your dog on a leash and recognize changes in your dog’s body language indicating they may not be comfortable.

Always monitor your dog’s activity, even when they are in the backyard at your own house, because they can be startled by something, get out of the yard and possibly injure someone or be injured themselves.

“Part of my job as a dog trainer and behavior expert is to empower people with knowledge about the dogs with whom they share their lives,” said Victoria Stilwell, celebrity dog trainer and behavior expert. “And it’s this knowledge that not only enriches the relationship between dogs and people but helps reduce the likelihood of bites from occurring.” 

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