Tips for Tractors – Young Driver Information

Tips for Tractors – Young Driver Information

As the weather improves more tractors will be required to travel on public roads , which leads to greater risks.  We wanted to remind the farming community of the rules relating to young drivers, and their employers, so it doesn’t cause any jeopardy. It is widely known that drivers under the age of 17 may legally drive a tractor on the road, however the parameters that restrict the use are less widely understood, therefore leaving a threat of criminal proceedings and potentially uninsured claims.

The limitations at the age of 16 years are:

Drivers may only drive tractors less than 2.45 metres wide, and also tow trailers with 2 wheels or 4 wheels which are close coupled up to 2.45 metres wide
You must have passed the DSA Tractor Driving Test (although you may also drive to and from the driving test appointment), and may NOT practice on the road
The tractor must be thoroughly maintained and road worthy, including being taxed and insured and must have clean lights, windows and mirrors to allow for clear vision
L-Plates and number plates must be clearly displayed and securely attached
The tractor should be in a condition to avoid dropping mud or debris on the road

The points highlighted above are strictly enforced; even a variance of a few inches with regards to the width can result in serious repercussions.

Please speak to one of our specialist advisors if you wish to discuss this matter further to ensure your remain protected by your insurance.

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