These Are Your 2022 Automotive Highlights

These Are Your 2022 Automotive Highlights

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My VW 411 Lemons race car TOTALLY REDEEMED ITSELF by winning the Southern Fried Heaps Lemons Rally. This car failed to make the start and ultimately died with transmission issues on the Texas Lemons Rally the prior year, so we focused on putting it back together slowly this time and making sure we didn’t make any mistakes. It was good enough in time for the Southern Fried Heaps rally, and the starting line in Alabama was close enough that, heck, sure. Send it.

It was a nearly 4,000-mile round-trip in a car that still fouled plugs and had a death wobble, but the sheer hooptieness of the car and the fact that Jason and I drove it there and back all the way from Austin—via both our moms’ houses, which meant that my mom finally got to see one of my hooptie race cars in person for the first time, haha—meant we were a shoe-in for the top prize.

This was the year of The Dreaded Laramie, hands down, all hail my worst garbage car son.

I really need to make it new bushings now, though. The death wobble between roughly 45 and 55 mph yanked my arm loose to the point where my shoulder was borked for the next couple weeks after that. SOON! Well, after the 944 gets driveable. Technically, the 411 still runs, so it’s a lower priority.

Hell yeah, Stef! That’s what’s up.

Submitted by: Stef Schrader

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