These Are The Quintessential Boomer Cars

These Are The Quintessential Boomer Cars

Tail end boomer here.

I suppose a C6 convert fits, at least for those of us who can still get in and out of one. And yes, I owned one once, although it was GS 6-speed, (sans chrome wheels, thank you.). They’re fun, but definitely kinda old school and I got tired of it.

As for a Tri-5 Chevy, nah. Those appeal to the silent generation, not boomers.

50’s cars generally just seem kinda weird and sad. They’re mostly driven by 80+ year old guys who shamelessly wear railroad engineer caps and suspenders.

Not our jam at all.

As for late ‘60’s muscle cars, we know they’re pigs to drive just like y’all do.

Sure, they look cool and make loud noises. The actual ownership experience is HIGHLY overrated. Again, not my jam, nor most of my cohort, especially those who aren’t into wrenching.

What I really lust after might be an ‘83 Civic S, a CRX Si, or a first gen ‘86 Integra like I bought new after getting my first real job, post college.

Bubble era Japanese stuff is just as lust worthy to us as they are to younger generations. The difference is we drove them new, and miss the hell out of how they drove, and also how we were back when they were new, if we’re being honest

A clean first gen RX-7 or 240Z could definitely find room in my garage.

As they say nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

As for me, my current daily is a Tesla M3P. Now that thing really IS a muscle car.

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Camaro my ass.