These Are The Most Overrated Performance Car Ever Made

These Are The Most Overrated Performance Car Ever Made

“Every single supercar or hypercar ever.

“I’m just going with the law of diminishing returns on cost. When I was in high school I drove an 80’s Caprice with a gutless V6, only AM radio, and an ultra floaty suspension. It was slow and handled about as well as a waterbed. It was a blast. Flooring it around corners on rural gravel roads was awesome. The full range of performance of that gutless Caprice was accessible with just regular behind the wheel training. I believe that car cost $500. Inflation adjusted, that would still be under $1,000. You can definitely spend more money for a better car in terms of fun, comfort, performance, etc. and honestly probably should, but that is only true to a limit.

“I’ll pick Ferrari to talk about, but the method would probably work with literally every other supercar maker. I’ll take the bottom of their range and the top of their range as examples, but the same thing works throughout all of their models.

“Ferrari Roma. $250,000. 612 hp. 0-60 in 3.1 seconds. Top speed of 199. Gorgeous styling. BUT, is this really $249,000 better than my ‘88 Caprice? That would pay off the entirety of my mortgage. Drop that in a basic index fund and it would almost certainly fund my retirement with no additional contributions. That could fund a lifetime of always having a fun car and flipping every few years just for fun—and I’d have money left over to fund my other hobbies too. Not only that, but those performance numbers are unusable by anyone on any public road and inaccessible safely by 99% of drivers on a race track. Wildly overrated. In reality, probably driven at normal-ish speeds by a lady with a designer yorkie and a permanent botoxed rictus grin.

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“Ferrari Daytona SP3. $2,226,935. 829 hp. 0-60 in 2.6 seconds. Top speed of 211. Kinda looks like a jet fighter. Kinda looks like a melted jolly rancher. Is this really $2,225,935 better than my ‘88 Caprice? Is this really $1,976,935 better than the Roma? Nearly $2 mil for a gain of 12 mph on the top speed? Performance stats that would require F1 level driving skills. $2.2 mil, with basic ass investments, could fund my current, pretty enjoyable, lifestyle basically forever and still have leave generational wealth for my kids. $2.2 mil would buy me a literal ass mansion in my solid midwestern city AND a second home with acreage on Lake Superior and I’d still have $400,000 of fun money. Insanely overrated. Absolutely destined to be a garage queen.”

Well, when you put it like that.