These Are The Best Things You’ve Done With Your Cars

These Are The Best Things You’ve Done With Your Cars

A photo of a dark green Ford Mustang coupe jumping over a bump in the road.

Photo: Ford

“Absolutely nothing.

“Let me explain. I have owned my GT since 2008. The only things I’ve done to it are lowering springs, wheels/tires, and exhaust. Very basic stuff that transformed the looks and sound. I can’t tell you how tempting it’s been to cave in and blow thousands of dollars on forced induction. By now, I could easily have it being a 600+ hp hot rod.

“I learned my lesson with my first car, a 1998 ZJ. I lifted that thing, did all kinds of modifications, you name it. You know what happened? I destroyed it. It looked cool and was capable-ish, but it was miserable to drive.

“I swore I’d never do that to the Mustang. I would enjoy it for what it is, and not force it to be something it’s not.

“So, now I have a really reliable, fun car that has literally never broken anything in the 14 years I’ve owned it. It’s not a money pit, it’s not a jackstand monument in my garage. It’s something that is always ready to go and happily starts every time. It may have sat a month since it last moved, but I know it’ll start right up and go without a hiccup.

“With two kiddos under three and all of life’s other things, I don’t have time for a project right now. Keeping my ‘fun car’ from becoming a perpetual project has been the best thing I’ve ever done with my car.”

A lot of you argued that the best thing to do with your cars was, in fact, nothing at all. Apparently leaving your car stock will make it easier to sell when the time comes, and suggestions that any performance upgrades you try and make will actually ruin your car.

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Suggested by: petrienw