These Are the Best Regular Car Reviews Episodes of All Time

These Are the Best Regular Car Reviews Episodes of All Time

I first found Regular Car Reviews during my freshman year of College at Penn State all the way back in 2015. The duo of Mr. Regular and The Roman immediately caught my attention by showing me that cars can be fun. (Yes, I know I write for Jalopnik now, and it is definitely a fun publication, but I wasn’t a reader at the time. Sue me).

Anyway, I fell in love with the joy (and toilet humor) they brought to car reviews. I started consuming just about all the content they put out, the podcasts, the RCR deep dives, the weekly videos, and the music. Everything. I was hooked, and I still am today. If I’m being honest, they are just about the only automotive YouTube channel I still watch.

Something else I’ve always loved about RCR is how unabashedly Pennsylvania they are. I may not have grown up in the state, but I spent four of my most formative years smack dab in the middle of it. I met my girlfriend there, and now we’re in NEPA just about every month. It’s really a second home to me. Not many car reviewers are from that neck of the woods, and it gives them a different perspective from the LA, New York and Detroit based journalists who dominate the industry.

But, I digress. I thought now would be as good a time as ever to look back on some of my favorite Regular Car Review episodes in no particular order – save for the final video, which is indeed my favorite.

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