These Are the 10 Racing Game Series That Need to Come Back
Image: Sega
You could really put every Sega racing franchise on this list, so naturally Daytona USA is our next stop. To be fair, there was a new Daytona of sorts released in arcades in 2016, titled Daytona Championship USA. This, however, was a rather messily hacked-together assortment of old physics and new graphical assets, with music plucked from various entries throughout the series’ history. When announced, it was marketed arcade-exclusive, likely to appeal to operators. Thus, we’ve never seen a home conversion — though perhaps that’s for the best.
Likelihood of return: 2 out of 5 | Daytona USA is said to be the highest-grossing arcade game of all time, and old cabinets can still be found everywhere from bowling alleys to Barcades. For that reason, I don’t think it’ll ever be truly gone, but the prospect of a bonafide sequel to 1998’s Daytona USA 2: Battle On The Edge is not something Sega has been equipped to make for quite some time. The best we can hope for is a rerelease of that 2011 high-definition port for Xbox 360 and PS3, and that’d be better than nothing.