The top 5 things to expect this year at DigIN

Everyone at Digital Insurance is excited for Dig In 2022. This year’s event will be held in New Orleans at the Roosevelt Waldorf Astoria from June 8-10.
As the post-COVID era dawns, insurance’s rapid digital transformation continues. Here are some of the things we’re looking forward to hearing more about at the conference:
1. How to innovate in a disruptive world
COVID-19 lingers on, war rages in Eastern Europe and climate change challenges long-held assumptions about catastrophic risks. Starting from our opening keynote with Linda Bernardi, and throughout the conference, insurance innovators will learn how to prioritize transformation initiatives for maximum and sustainable impact.
2. How to meet the talent challenge
Our talent challenge track, featuring speakers from Arch Insurance, Richmond National, AF Group and more, will help you make sense of the so-called “great resignation” and how insurers can identify, hire and retain staff that will lead the digital revolution in their companies.
3. The pulse of the industry
Janet King, Arizent vice president of research, will present Digital Insurance-exclusive research into the state of insurance digital transformation. What technologies are insurers deploying, and to what ends? How much money will be invested in insurtech startups this year? We asked for opinions – and we’ll share those results.
4. How to handle a cyber attack
It’s every digital leader’s worst nightmare – and Miguel Edwards of Pan-American Life is here to help you through it. His discussion on how to develop the right mindset, decision-making, communication and leadership skills needed to maintain strength under pressure is must-see.
5. Revolutionizing the agent channel
No longer is the conventional wisdom of agents’ disintermediation a reality. In a time of great uncertainty, customers turned to their insurance agents to answer questions about their coverage. Throughout the conference, our speakers will offer assistance in incorporating these crucial front-line professionals into the new insurance industry.
DIG IN 2022 starts on June 8 in New Orleans. Speakers from MetLife, Nationwide and more will spur conversations around insurance’s digital transformation. Click here to register now.