The Impacts We Have On Each Other


The photo above is of a black catholic priest from Ghana leading a limbo dance.

I was at a funeral today. I last saw Bernice Krueger, Donice’s mother, several weeks ago and knew her time was near. It was not easy to say goodbye then, and the last couple of days seemed strange, and it wasn’t easy to concentrate.

A reply to a comment I made to a recent post, Red Pill, Blue Pill, came to mind today during the funeral mass:

We all impact one another. Luke’s comments reminded me that I should always be trying to be my best so that I can have the most positive impact I can.

For everybody who reads this blog, thank you! For those who have written posts and guests of the law firm who have written posts, thank you! For all of you who make comments, call me, write me privately, make suggestions or simply give us some positive energy, thank you! Ruck DeMinico, who is this blog’s editor and makes sure my prose is in an understandable form of English—thank you!

I have learned so much from this 16-year endeavor and simply want to give thanks to and for those of you who influence and teach me. Public writing and education are not one-way streets.

Bernice was a fun person and full of life. I even got the cattle ranch mom on the Chip’s Ahoy!

She and her husband gave their time and money to anonymously support the tuition needs of others. Bernice supported seminaries in her diocese. She was a person of faith. Donice wrote a beautiful obituary about her mother.

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Every time we take positive action to inspire or support another, we are working at our best. Whether that action is big or maybe something overlooked, those actions are important. The boyhood lessons from Scouting to do a good deed at least once a day is something that has a lot of wisdom to it.

So, the limbo dancing priest inspired Bernice to try the best to go as low as she could go. . .

. . .which, in turn, inspired others to forget about looking silly and trying to do the same. Even the smallest actions are important to add a little joy to our lives.

Thought For The Day

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens
—Ecclesiastes 3.1