Sony Honda Mobility will sell 'premium' EVs in 2025

Sony Honda Mobility will sell 'premium' EVs in 2025

We already knew that Sony Honda Mobility will begin selling EVs in 2025 for delivery in 2026. The joint venture between the two Japanese giants was officially announced earlier in 2022, and while there are still big gaps in our knowledge of the vehicle, the companies announced that it will be a premium and “high value-added” product that’s not intended for huge sales volume. Whether that means a very high price — it’s not clear how much range or what kind of batteries the EV will use, either — remains to be seen. For what it’s worth, Yasuhide Mizuno, chairman of Honda Mobility, told Nikkei Asia that it will sell the vehicle for “a reasonable amount.”

As you’d expect, Honda comes to the table with decades worth of car-building experience and a dozen plants in the United States, where the vehicle will be built. U.S. customers will also get first crack at the vehicle, with orders planned for 2025 and deliveries slated for 2026. Sony will focus on in-car software, entertainment, sensors and other vehicle technologies. The company will reportedly focus on an online-first sales model, 

Will Sony Honda Mobility’s first product look like the Vision-S 01 or Vision-S 02 (pictured together above) concepts we saw unveiled at previous CES events? Will they (hopefully) get better names? Will it offer more advanced self-driving tech than rivals like Tesla, General Motors, Ford and Nissan? We look forward to finding out soon enough.

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