Snitch News Helicopter Catches 'Missing' 9 Year Old Playing Hooky On Rooftop

Snitch News Helicopter Catches 'Missing' 9 Year Old Playing Hooky On Rooftop

A missing 9 year old boy was found Thursday by a nosy news chopper that couldn’t just let a kid destress from the first week of school in peace.

Jalopinions: Outtakes Edition

CBS New York couldn’t leave well enough alone, and joined in on the manhunt for little Brooklynite who headed off to school at 7 a.m Thursday morning but never made it. Police were called to the scene, and then Chopper 2 from the local CBS affiliate took to the skies:

CBS News New York sent Chopper 2 to the area to check things out, and our own Dan Rice spotted a child fitting the description on the rooftop of the family’s building.

“As my pilot Eric Ross and I were circling around the building, we came across a person sitting in a chair over here on the rooftop. We zoomed in with the camera – it appeared to be the child that fit the description of the missing child … I looked down at my notes. I see what the assignment desk had sent me, and I see what the child was wearing. I look back at the child, and that child was wearing everything that’s in the description. He looked to be about 9 years old,” Rice said.

CBS News New York called the NYPD, and Chopper 2 waited overhead until they arrived.

“He just packs up his computer and his book bag and goes off with the police officers. They look back at our helicopter gave us a big thumbs up and took child down to his parents,” Rice said.

Man, you couldn’t of covered for the kid once it was obvious he was safe? Dude just wanted a little extra iPad time, and who can’t relate to that?

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You’re young and just starting your academic career, so here’s a little advice from an old hat at class-cutting: Never cut in the first few weeks of school. Wait your teacher’s face to attain that “oh my god, what have I done with my life,” gaze so you’ll be more likely to be overlooked come roll call. I’d give it until mid-October.