Should I Tell My Agent If I Get a New Roof?

Absolutely! In Florida, one of the most important features for insurance rating is the age of the roof. In fact, some companies will not even rate a roof older than 12 to 15 years old, so if you have an older roof, you may have fewer options. It makes sense that a new roof will do better in rain, hail, or hurricanes than a 15-year-old roof, so insurance companies really compete on pricing on new roofs.

What should I send to my agent?

You should send a completed work order or receipt and photos. (No, we don’t recommend getting on your roof to take photos…ground level photos should be sufficient). Maybe even include any roof warranties or something that shows the quality of the shingles used (e.g. architectural shingles with a 120 mph rating).

Also, for an even better discount, we would certainly suggest a wind mitigation inspection. They usually cost about $100-$150, however, your roofer may be able to complete one for you. We can send those to your current insurance company to see if they will give a price reduction. We can also reshop your home insurance with other companies for a new policy. See below for a list of Wind Inspectors who customers have used in the past.

What if I just had the home re-shingled, but the decking and the roof to wall connections were not upgraded to the new codes?

The insurance companies will still want the proof and will likely apply a new roof discount to your home. However, we would not suggest you get a new wind mitigation inspection, since the wind mitigation inspection looks at updated roofing code upgrades.

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