Should I get life insurance? Why or why not?

Should I get life insurance? Why or why not? - Insurance Square


You may ask why I need life insurance. Here is all about your answer.

Life insurance is a financial decision. It’s is an emotional decision about love and caring for the future.

The reasons are simple and clear. That’s what life insurance is all about. The idea may be simple, but the underlying issues are far-reaching, to the very essence of our being almost to the point.

Should I get life insurance?

When you buy life insurance, you choose at least one beneficiary -people or organizations that can benefit from your policy.

In addition to naming family members as beneficiaries, some people name their church, popular charities, or nonprofits that support the causes they care about.

In some cases, It may help you contribute to the death of more than you could afford during your lifetime.

Why do I need life insurance?

Here is some reason why I need life insurance:

1. Your loved ones

It is about meeting the obligations and keeping the promises. You look at your decision to buy health insurance from your family’s point of view, not yours.

2. The living

It’s not about you. You know that if anything happens to you, the health insurance you bought is there to protect and provide financial assistance to those who should continue without you. It’s about them.

3. A symbol of responsibilities

It means you care about your family. You want to ensure a good future for family members. The money you earn will help you keep the promises you made to important people in your death. Life insurance provides financial protection to your family if any unexpected happens.

4. Buys time and options

When a leader dies, survivors are often forced to make difficult, dramatic decisions and act quickly. They have to make decisions when they may not be able to make good decisions emotionally.

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Your health insurance offers your family options by providing benefits to help pay off debts, help meet housing costs and ongoing living expenses, help pay for college education for your children or grandchildren, and much more.

5. Financial protection

Your health insurance can bring you a certain amount of money at the exact time you need it. When you die, your family can be confident that the money you have chosen —perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even millions —will soon be available. And that death benefit is usually not subject to corporate income tax.

Why don’t I need life insurance?

We want to make sure you use hard-earned cash in the right financial products -we like to be straightforward, so if you find yourself falling into one of the next three categories where life insurance is less important, you may need to take some advice and think again.

1. You and your partner are financially independent

If you reach a point where you and your partner have enough assets and income to take care of yourself, however, health insurance may not be necessary.

That does not mean that high-value individuals should not take out life insurance -it can help heirs and beneficiaries pay the costs associated with closing down a deceased estate, for example -but it is usually not a necessary expense for those who can afford it themselves.

2. You Are Not Married, And No One Depends on Your Money

So, if your partner relies on your income to pay for housing and contributes to outbursts, you need to make sure you are provided in the event of your death -but what if you are single and no one relies on your income?

A trustworthy written life insurance policy usually allows you to name anyone you have a relationship with as a beneficiary, so even if you do not have a partner or trust in you, there may still be someone in your life who will need money when you die.

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3. Your Children Are Independent Adults

Once your children are older and more independent adults, there is little need to leave an income after your death. It may be time to consider whether you should continue to pay for health insurance once they have reached the point where they can take care of themselves.

Of course, children are not the only ones to consider, and you still need to give serious thought to whether your spouse will need an income after your death, but you should consider the situation when your children are older.

Life Insurance: Advantages vs. Disadvantages - InsuranceSquare

Life Insurance: Advantages vs. Disadvantages

The following table shows a comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance. 


Life insurance provides investment to cover the negative financial consequences of the death of the insured.
Policy owners waive other current costs to pay for premiums. In addition, health insurance is often purchased for the benefit of others and is usually only indirectly to the insured.

Life insurance enjoys better tax management, unlike any other financial instrument.
Cash refund rates are usually less than the premiums paid for the first few years of the policy, and sometimes the policyholder may not receive the premiums paid if the policy is refunded.

Many life insurance policies are incredibly flexible in terms of adjusting to the needs of the policyholder. Death benefits may be reduced at any time, and premiums may be easily reduced, exceeded, or increased.
The decision to purchase health insurance and the suspension of health insurance can be difficult, especially if the insurance is for housing, business, or complex family circumstances.

Cash life insurance may be considered as an easy-to-find saving should the need arise; however, assets that support these investments are generally held on long-term investments, thus earning higher returns.
The process of obtaining health insurance can be frustrating and confusing.

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Alternatives to Life Insurance

Many view life insurance as a safety net. However, if you have been denied health insurance in the past, you are probably looking for alternatives to your health insurance. An effective financial plan is something most people should look for, even in the case of unpaid health insurance.

Another alternative to life insurance is a guaranteed release plan. Ordinary life insurance is not guaranteed to the beneficiary. On the other hand, certified discharge programs do not require a medical examination, and policies are provided to anyone who qualifies regardless of health. However, these usually come with a high premium.

Another option is a property-based policy or combination, which provides long-term care, general life insurance that you would not cover. It can also provide death benefits to your chosen beneficiaries if you have not yet achieved your long-term care benefits. Some of these policies come with a money-back guarantee.

A third is to ask your employer if they have any health benefits that offer life insurance of your choice. Types of provision may depend on your income or position. Remember that you may need to have a medical examination to determine this. In addition, losing your job or being fired may affect your ability to maintain these benefits.


Life insurance is not as complicated or expensive as most people might think. So instead of looking at it that way, think about what it might mean for your loved ones one day if they lose you -and think of it as a happy ending to a difficult situation.

The post Should I get life insurance? Why or why not? appeared first on InsuranceSquare.