Mini Sends a Puzzle to Customers Whose New Cars Aren't Ready Yet

Mini Sends a Puzzle to Customers Whose New Cars Aren't Ready Yet

With supply-chain issues delaying car deliveries for many customers, Mini has turned to a creative solution to satiate its eagerly waiting customers: a puzzle. The “We’re-working-hard-to-get-you-you-car, waiting-is-the-worst, in-the-meantime-happy-puzzling, Mini Puzzle,” or Not So Mini puzzle for short, will be sent to customers to complete while they wait for their cars. Some customers will receive a life-size puzzle, while others will receive a normal-size puzzle.

If you’re waiting for your new car to be delivered and have an extra spot in your garage, the obvious next step is to put together a car-sized puzzle in the empty space. At least, that’s what Mini thinks.

Like the rest of the automotive industry, the maker of lilliputian cars is experiencing supply-chain issues leading to car-delivery delays. Unlike the rest of the industry, however, Mini is addressing those issues with a puzzle. It announced Friday that it would be sending life-size and regular-size puzzles featuring an image of the distinctive cars to customers waiting for the delivery of their vehicle.

The puzzle, known officially as THE WE’RE-WORKING-HARD-TO-GET-YOU-YOUR-CAR, WAITING-IS-THE-WORST, IN-THE-MEANTIME-HAPPY-PUZZLING, MINI PUZZLE, has a name worthy of a Fall Out Boy song title in its length. However, the brand has generously given everyone permission to call it the Not So Mini puzzle instead.

The Not So Mini puzzle will come in two sizes, with select customers receiving a life-sized version, perfect for filling the Mini-sized emptiness in their garage. Others on the waitlist will receive a more kitchen-table-appropriate puzzle. Still, regardless of the size of the puzzle the customer receives, Mini hopes that this initiative will “surprise and delight” them, and it plans to feature new owners and their puzzles, both complete and in-progress, on its social media channels.

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Mini spokesperson Rah Mahtani said in a statement, “People buy a Mini because of its cheeky and fun-to-drive spirit, so we wanted to give owners something fun to do while they wait to get behind the wheel of their new Mini.”

Even though the brand admits that most customers would rather have a leather steering wheel in their hands than a puzzle, it wants to turn an unfortunate reality into a unique experience in the meantime. After all, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, and when life gives you automotive supply-chain puzzles, you make a real puzzle.

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