Learn How to be Cybersmart – Introducing CSIO’s Cybersecurity Education Program

Learn How to be Cybersmart – Introducing CSIO’s Cybersecurity Education Program

By: Shreya Patel, Communications, CSIO

TORONTO, ON, OCTOBER 11, 2024/insPRESS/ – We’ve all had that experience of receiving an email or text that doesn’t feel right. But sometimes, we may not immediately see the signs that we are about to become the victim of a sophisticated cyber-attack. And even if we do have that feeling there’s something wrong, is there really any harm in opening the email? The answer is an emphatic yes.

20 years ago, the U.S. Congress declared October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and the Canadian government echoed the legislation a few years later. Today, Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an international campaign designed to heighten public awareness, educate individuals and businesses about cybercrimes and provide the tools needed for protection. Just how big a problem is cybercrime today? According to the Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity, over $500 million was reported stolen due to cybercrime in 2022, with the volume of cybercrimes – and victims – continuing to grow unabated.

With this ongoing threat, Centre for Studies of Insurance Operations (CSIO) has responded to the need to provide the Property & Casualty (P&C) industry with a cyber learning program by launching the Cybersecurity Education Program. Comprehensive, fully online and accredited, the program is designed to provide P&C employees with the tools they need to identify and avoid cyber-attacks.

Cyber Vigilance is Everyone’s Priority

One of the biggest misconceptions is that cybercriminals focus exclusively on “big fish” – massive corporations and governments – and directly attack their central operating systems. While it is true that cybercriminals use state-of-the-art technology to infiltrate systems, and publicity tends to focus on high-profile attacks, small businesses and individuals are increasingly targeted for cybercrime. Employees of large corporations may believe their IT departments have every safeguard in place to protect them, but in case after case, cybercriminals leveraged front-line employees to gain entry to protected systems.

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In short, in every business, big or small, it’s not just the IT department’s responsibility to prevent cybercrime. Being cybersmart and having the ability to identify and avoid cybercrime is everyone’s responsibility.

Spot and Stop Common Cyber Threats

Phishing, vishing, ransomware, and spoofing – these are all commonly used tactics designed to infiltrate systems. The Cybersecurity Education Program is offered free to CSIO members and includes 13 interactive modules that deal with these tactics – and more. With just a 2.5-hour commitment, participants will boost their confidence in identifying and preventing cyber threats.

Learn at Your Own Pace

The program offers complete flexibility, allowing participants to pause and resume modules at their convenience. Upon finishing the program, you’ll receive a Certificate and a logo you can use when posting about your achievement on social media – your colleagues may be inspired to become cybersafe when they see your post.

Receive 2.5 Continuing Education (CE) Credits

Brokers will be happy to know that not only do they benefit from this complimentary education program, but they will receive 2.5 CE credits. It’s easy to sign up. Go to csio.com/cybersecurity-education-program or email education@csio.com to learn more.

Don’t Have a CSIO Account? Sign-Up Now!

If your company is a member of your provincial brokerage association, or an insurer or vendor CSIO member, you are automatically a member of CSIO. Membership is free and not only will you have access to the Cybersecurity Education Program, you’ll also benefit from webinars, our monthly newsletter, accredited courses, online forms and information about important CSIO solutions, like CSIOnet, CSIO Data Standards, eDocs, and more. And don’t forget to follow CSIO on social media for our latest updates.

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Stay Cybersmart

This October, take some time to do your part for Cybersecurity Awareness Month and be cybersmart. Sophisticated criminals are constantly looking for ways to infiltrate your business and personal accounts. It’s critical to be alert – protect yourself and your company by leveraging CSIO’s Cybersecurity Education Program and applying the tools from your training to spot – and stop – potential cyber-attacks.