Keys to successful leadership: Trust and change

My journey to becoming CEO at Argo Group and serving as chairman of the Open Lending board is informed by a variety of roles and enriching experiences. I began my time with Argo in 2022, serving as president of U.S. Insurance. Prior to my recent responsibilities, I served in a variety of positions, including COO, CFO, and other senior leadership roles at several noteworthy and diverse insurers.
Taking a moment to look back on my career, I’ve come to believe that being a successful leader isn’t just about business acumen. It’s about finding harmony in all facets of life and continuing to develop the emotional intelligence you learn from life lessons. It’s striking how much being a leader, a mom and an athlete have in common. Success in each of these areas is the result of putting in the work every day, bouncing back when things get tough, and making sure there’s constant room for growth.
As CEO of Argo, my focus is on protecting the future of our customers while generating industry-leading profitability through operational excellence and collaboration. Each day begins with a clear roadmap outlining priorities. I always set out to tackle the most important tasks first with a fresh mind — setting a productive tone for the rest of the day. I’ve found that achieving the most impactful goals is often only possible if you capitalize on the opportunities when they present themselves — even when the task or timing seems impossible.
Of course, things don’t always go as planned and being nimble as an executive and a mother requires trust and strong core relationships. Nurturing these connections also serves as a grounding force amidst the whirlwind of my daily responsibilities and the unpredictable challenges met along the way. My family and close friends are my pillars of strength. Their support empowers me to guide my team at work with confidence and compassion.
As we lead our businesses through change, it is paramount to build trust along the way. Change can only happen as fast as trust happens. At work and in life, authentic leadership is the cornerstone of trust-building — a vital value I embrace in my CEO role and my journey as a parent. In both cases, my goal is to bring out the best in those around me with a focus on constant growth — creating a winning mindset, achieving goals, and celebrating success. The key is learning to succeed and improve whether you win or lose.
Wellness, too, has a key place in my routine. I’ve always loved sports, especially growing up in Wisconsin as a Packers fan and now as a University of Wisconsin Badgers “hockey mom!” I start most days with an early morning six-mile run. Running daily is a practice that fuels my energy and sharpens my focus, allowing me to perform at my best. I find the characteristics that drive successful athletes translate to a winning attitude on the field and in the workplace.
To some, juggling the roles of CEO and mother may appear contradictory, but for me, they are intricately linked. Balancing my leadership responsibilities with my personal goals demands disciplined mindfulness, planning and the ability to be nimble with a relentless focus on continuous improvement. This is the harmony I strive for in work and life. Just as I aim to uplift and motivate my team at Argo, I strive to nurture confidence and fortitude in my children and family for everyone’s future.