Hurricane Ian Flood Proof of Loss Deadline Extended

Today, The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) issued Bulletin W-22012 — Hurricane Ian Claims Payment Process, which describes the claims process and the responsibilities of the NFIP insurers (WYO Companies and the NFIP Direct) for Hurricane Ian claims. You can read the bulletin here.
The Standard Flood Insurance Policy requires policyholders to file their completed, signed, and sworn proof of loss within 60 days from the date of loss.
This bulletin is significant because the NFIP has extended the 60-day proof of loss deadline. The deadline for submitting a compliant proof of loss for Hurricane Ian is 365 calendar days from the date of loss.
We commend NFIP for granting this extension, as it has done for previous storms including Hurricane Ike, Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Hermine, as noted in:
This extension will allow policyholders additional time to evaluate their losses, the adjuster’s reports, and provide all supporting documentation for their flood loss.
The bulletin also provides adjusters with a conditional waiver to evaluate and pay claims based upon an unsigned adjuster’s report, by waiving the requirement that the policyholder sign the adjuster’s report.