How to Continue Healthy Habits During the Holidays

How to Continue Healthy Habits During the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, so does the excitement of attending parties and gatherings with loved ones. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s evoke thoughts of cherished family moments, joyful friendships, and delightful feasts. However, it is during this time that millions of Americans face the challenge of maintaining their weight while being tempted by all the delectable holiday treats.

The aroma of freshly baked pies fills the air, and the sight of beautifully decorated cookies beckons us from every corner. It’s easy to get carried away and indulge in all the mouthwatering dishes that are synonymous with the holiday season. But fear not, for with a little planning and self-control, you can still enjoy the festivities without derailing your health and fitness goals.

Included in this guide are a plethora of valuable tips to help you maintain your wellbeing throughout the holiday season, while still allowing yourself to savor those delectable treats. 

Remember, the holiday season is a time for celebration and enjoyment. It’s perfectly okay to indulge in your favorite holiday treats, but it’s also essential to maintain a healthy balance. By practicing portion control, prioritizing healthier options, staying active, and staying hydrated, you can navigate the holiday season without sacrificing your well-being. 

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

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