How do consumers view driver safety technology?

How do consumers view driver safety technology?

Distracted driving has become an even greater concern as certain behaviors have increased since the beginning of the pandemic. Cambridge Mobile Telematics’ (CMT) recently published, “The State of Distracted Driving in 2023 & the Future of Road Safety,” it shows that drivers used their cell phones on 58% of trips in 2022, compared to 54% in 2020, and screen interaction increased 23% in 2022 from 2020. The report also discusses the role that telematics plays in safe driving – one CMT study reports that those who interact with a telematics app three times a week are 57% less distracted than drivers who do not engage with telematics. Another study mentioned in the report finds that drivers with unsafe driving habits were 25% less distracted.

Though many insurance carriers and insurtechs offer safety technology like mobile apps or smart dash cams to reduce distractions while driving, some consumers and commercial organizations continue to opt out of such solutions. Digital Insurance reached out to insurance companies to learn more about how consumers view anti-distraction technologies and the barriers that prevent consumers from implementing these safety solutions.

The following responses have been lightly edited for clarity.

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