Four inaccurate assumptions that are frequently made about auto insurance

Consumers are sometimes misinformed about certain aspects of auto insurance. If you need auto insurance for your vehicle in Savannah, GA, we can ensure you’re accurately informed at TruePoint Insurance. 

The following are four inaccurate assumptions to be aware of that are frequently made about auto insurance. 

You enjoy coverage for everything if you buy comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive coverage is a certain type of coverage. This type of coverage will compensate you for damages caused by events like theft and vandalism. However, comprehensive coverage doesn’t cover you for accident damage or liability expenses. 

You only need minimum coverage.

While minimum coverage might be all you need legally, investing in added coverage is always best. Otherwise, you could experience significant financial loss if you are held liable for an accident that involves extensive damage. 

You can use a personal auto insurance policy for business activities.

Don’t use your vehicle for business activity if you only have personal auto insurance coverage on it. You must buy a commercial auto insurance policy if you use your vehicle for commercial activities. 

Your auto insurance will cover anyone who drives your vehicle.

You cannot assume that your auto insurance will cover any accidents that occur while someone other than you is driving your vehicle. If you want to be sure that your auto insurance will cover other motorists driving your car, you will have to get these other motorists added to your auto insurance policy. 

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Let us insure your vehicle in Savannah, GA. We’re here to help you meet all your auto insurance needs at TruePoint Insurance. Call us now to get a policy quote!