Every Body-on-Frame SUV You Can Still Buy in 2022, Ranked by Price

Photo: Toyota
Some of the SUVs we often see on U.S. roads, or, less often, on the trails they were meant to traverse, started out as pickup trucks. Or they were otherwise designed similarly at first, with boxy bodies atop a sturdy ladder frame made to take a beating on the trail and towing on the interstate. These body-on-frame SUVs are still around despite some their designs having been streamlined to look more like modern and eminently comfortable unibody vehicles.
There are still a few boxy bodies out there, thankfully, like that of the Ford Bronco, Jeep Wrangler and Toyota 4runner. And although one or two gnarly SUVs have traded their ladder frames for unibodies (ahem, Land Rover), many of the most iconic SUVs around are thriving, especially those that have great off-road performance.
Not every model here is a hardcore off-roader, nor is every one of them meant to be. These are just the SUVs that can still call themselves truck-based in some way, ordered from the least to most expensive based on starting MSRP: