Electronic Data Liability

You already know that your General Liability policy excludes ‘intangible’ property.  That is why you had to buy a cyber liability policy.  That policy may not have covered all of the ‘gaps’ in coverage possible by Exclusion P – Electronic Data that is included in the General Liability coverage form.

What are some examples of this possible gap in coverage?

Let us suppose that you are a plumber, digging a trench for pipes, and you sever a fiber optic cable in the process.  The General Liability policy includes ‘Underground’ coverage for damage to the Fiber Optic cable [tangible property].  However, it does NOT provide coverage for the loss of information [intangible property], or the loss of income that the third party may have endured due to loss of internet access.

Further examples would be an exterminator who inadvertently cuts a cable in their enthusiasm for getting rid of varmints, a water well driller, a utility company, a landscape contractor or anyone else who may be unknowingly working around a fiber optic cable and cuts or damages the cable, causing loss of data.

Data can become very expensive very quickly, resulting in legal liability for a large amount that is not insured by your General Liability policy.

Perhaps an electrical contractor is working in a building and inadvertently causes a power surge, damaging the hard drives of several computers, resulting in this doctor’s office losing hundreds of important patient files and a lawsuit against the electrical contractor.

These are just a few examples of scenarios that are likely to result in no coverage for the actual loss, nor for defense costs that accumulate due to a lawsuit from the third party.

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An endorsement is available to provide coverage in these instances and in many other similar cases.  This endorsement is the Electronic Data Liability Endorsement.  There is a small additional charge for this endorsement, but it is usually minimal.

If you are a contractor, contact your Insurance Agent to verify that this important coverage is included on your General Liability policy.  If this endorsement is not already included, ask your agent to provide a quotation to add this coverage. Contact INSURICA with more general liability questions.