Does the Rule of Prejudice Apply To a Late Proof of Loss?

Does the Rule of Prejudice Apply To a Late Proof of Loss?

Insurance public adjuster and commentator Bill Cook asked the following question:

“Can you comment on how the rule of prejudice for late filing does not apply to a late Proof of Loss?”

Bill, here is my simple answer:

Whenever a policyholder files a proof of loss after a date required in the policy, the rule of prejudice always applies. In a few jurisdictions, the amount of prejudice is zero because if you are late, you have forfeited your rights to recovery. You have to know the state rule and apply it to the policy language to determine if a late-filed proof will bar recovery. File proofs timely or get written extensions so you do not have to call me about this issue.

Please read the post, The Doom and Gloom Assumes a Costume of Plume—The Insurance Industry Needs to Stop Being So Negative and Watch Out for Its Customers.

Then, read yesterday’s post, The Notice Prejudice Rule Is By Far the Accepted Rule of Law Rather Than the Forfeiture of Policy Benefits Rule.

If you have further questions about late filed proofs of loss, please read “How Much Time Does a Policyholder Have to File the Proof of Loss?” Then, you can use the search function of this blog and get 37 posts on the topic of “late filed proofs of loss.”

If that is not enough, you can call me, Chip Merlin, at my cell number (813) 695-8733. If I do not pick up, leave a message and simply text me your question. I will respond. I want to know what you do not understand about late filed proofs of loss.

See also  Arch Insurance's Valerie Turpin leverages predictive models in underwriting

I love to hear from commentators and people with ideas. This is how we learn.

Questions and fair debate are welcomed.


Thought For The Day 

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.

—Jordan Belfort