Cybersecurity Newsletter — March 2022

Cybersecurity Newsletter — March 2022

The Cybersecurity Newsletter — March 2022

Let’s Get Digital, Digital

The online world is in absolute shambles right now. Global governments are hitting businesses with cyber attacks, Will Smith just slapped Chris Rock on live TV, teenagers are hacking Microsoft, and, of course, the MetaVerse.

So, for the March 2022 edition of the Embroker  Cybersecurity Newsletter, we’re diving into cyberspace to figure out exactly what’s going on, and give you some insights and takeaways to help your organization navigate.

Oh, and NFTs, too. Are they still a thing?

Let’s get into it.

What’s Going On?

2021 closed on a weak note for jobs. But, is there room for optimism?

Teens arrested in hack of Microsoft and Okta — Gizmodo

Job openings also neared an all-time high. Why is hiring, and retaining, so hard?

Britain will reveal crypto regulation plans in coming weeks — CNBC

Can fewer working days help with burnout? What does it mean for businesses?

2022 Cyber Threats Affecting Businesses

A former FBI Director, Chief Insurance Officer, and two Industry Experts tell-all.

The webinar is on demand now. Watch it today.

watch the webinar

Does the Metaverse Make Business Riskier?

The Metaverse May Bring New Cyber Risks

An image for our cybersecurity newsletter. The image depicts Facebook Founder & CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

The Lizard King also known as Mark Zuckerberg may be flying a little too close to the sun for businesses in his new Metaverse. Essentially Habbo Hotel for adults, the MetaVerse promised a revolutionary social platform built to optimize remote communication, collaboration, and coworking.

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Though the 1% of consumers have flooded to purchase real estate in the Matrix with a makeover, businesses are wary, citing cybersecurity and digital manipulation concerns such as social engineering through deep fakes.

As the digital world feels seemingly less secure with each passing tweet, are platforms like the MetaVerse creating more unnecessary doors for bad actors to waltz through?

Put your dancing shoes on.

Startup Insurance Hits the Big Screen?

An image for our cybersecurity newsletter. The image depicts Amanda Seyfried as Elizabeth Holmes in The Dropout.

Amanda Seyfried as Elizabeth Holmes in The Dropout.

Hollywood has found the dark side of Silicon Valley. Theranos, WeWork, and Uber have found themselves (and their dirty laundry) streaming across Hulu, AppleTV+, and ShowTime.

For the general audience, the fall of some of the country’s most powerful businesspeople is must-watch TV. For the business community, especially founders, they’re the cautionary tales of failed-startups past.

But, they all also have one thing in common: these disasters are insurable. D&O, EPLI, Tech E&O, all of it.

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Our new Risk IQ Quiz is live. Find out if your organization has the knowledge and insurance coverage it needs to grow and thrive today.


White Paper: Mega MetaVerse Roundup for Lawyers

What do lawyers need to know about the MetaVerse? Download the white paper to learn everything that you need for your business clients.

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