ClaimWizard Public Adjuster Business Building and Training Conference

Large Group of People Listening to a Presentation

ClaimWizard is the leading public adjuster claims software company. Over 500 different public adjusting firms license their claims handling software. I routinely meet with and discuss claims handling issues with the ClaimWizard owners, Dave and Lynette Young, at various property insurance claims conferences throughout the country.

Dave and Lynette Young listen to thousands of individual public adjusters calling about claims issues and problems. They have been doing this for over 25 years. Through that experience and trying to develop computerized processes that make public adjusters overcome the A-Z issues facing public adjusters running their businesses before, during, and after the claim process, they are experts in the business of public adjusting. All public adjusters wishing to succeed should learn from them and seek out and attend conferences where they are making presentations.

They are holding a unique Public Adjuster Business Building and Training Conference April 18-20 in Tampa, Florida.1 There seems to be an increasing number of public adjuster training workshops, but this one is different. It is training processes to help public adjusters be financially successful. Those who attend will be better public adjusters and better at running their businesses.

Here is a description from a webpage describing the benefits of this conference:

Are you a public adjusting business owner, partner, or founder looking to…

• Increase Profits & Close More Claims: Create a profitable operation that lets your business close more claims faster
• (Re)Structure Your Business: Design your organization and business processes to run without your direct oversight
• Learn Effective Marketing Techniques: Designed to drive qualified clients to your doorstep
• Litigation MasterClass: Learn the best ways to prepare your claims for settlement or litigation

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We aren’t training how to be a better public adjuster, we are guiding and mentoring you to become a better public adjusting BUSINESS.

Our track record is working with company owners to 3x-5x their revenue, restructure their companies for optimal efficiency and profitability, and – in some cases – position themselves in the industry to acquire other firms.

There are several training and bootcamps on the public adjusting market today that charge similar (or higher) fees for their courses. No doubt by attending them, you will learn every conceivable way to prepare a Proof of Loss, read policy endorsements, determine the allowable compensation for appraisal fees, and avoid the Unauthorized Practice of Law – and so much more.

What you won’t get is over 50 years of collective knowledge from hundreds of public adjusting firms across all of North America how to:

• Level-up your public adjusting business operations and staff productivity
• Configure and execute a true RevOps framework
• Learn how to create and implement a rock-solid inbound lead generation system
• Design a solid and profitable company around their public adjusting skills and team
• Quickly compile claims for litigation with your Law Partner for optimal profitability
• Design a hiring & training roadmap for office support, adjusters, estimators, and managers

Public adjusting is challenging hard work to do correctly. It is exacting and detailed work with knowledge requirements from many different fields. How about learning how to do these tasks more efficiently and with fewer costs? Working smarter and delivering better results while being more profitable seems too good to be true—it can happen through learning and application of new processes.

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From what I see, Dave and Lynette Young are among the best of public adjuster advisers. I do not know of any better regarding the business aspects of public adjusting who you can pay to learn from. When you have a chance to learn from the best, do not pass on that opportunity.

My only problem with ClaimWizard is that I should have registered the business name as my Trademark. After all, Merlin was a Wizard long before Dave and Lynnette came along.

Hope to see you at this ClaimWizard Conference.

Thought For The Day

In a way, we are magicians. We are alchemists, sorcerers and wizards. We are a very strange bunch. But there is great fun in being a wizard.
—Billy Joel
1 Register here: (use code MLGVIP)