CDL – Women’s Caucus Luncheon – Richmond Hill

Canadian Underwriter

by Canadian Defence Lawyers

September 16, 2024

CDL Women’s Caucus (WC) Chair, Maura Thompson and Vice-Chair, Ashley Richards would like to invite you to the WC Annual Luncheon on September 16, in the GTA

Established in 2016, the WC champions the goals of leadership, education, empowerment and networking – with a focus on supporting our women lawyers in their pursuit of career growth.

Registration opens this summer.  Stay tuned for updates and secure your spot at this empowering event.


September 16, 2024: WOMEN’S CAUCUS NORTH TORONTO LUNCHEON (Richmond Hill) Presented in partnership with the CDL Women’s Caucus

Monday, September 16, 2024 | 12:15pm | FREE to RSVP, pay-your-own tab
Marlowe Restaurant and Bar, 155 York Blvd, Richmond Hill
Event Chairs: Ellen Gowland and Gabriela Nagy | RSVP to

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