California Wants Residents to Slow Down on Charging all the EVs

Image: Mario Tama (Getty Images)
California is pressing ahead with its plan of being the first state in the United States to ban gas vehicles by 2035. Before then, new vehicles sold in the state have to be zero emission by certain points, namely 2026 and 2030. But it looks like the state’s electrical grid might not be up to the task just yet. Multiple news outlets are reporting that state energy regulators are asking EV owners not to charge their vehicles as much while parts of the state go through a heat wave.
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It’s hot as hell here. There’s currently a high-pressure heat dome over the entire state. Temps in my city are going to range from 103 to 109 degrees Fahrenheit for the next seven days. With people trying to stay cool and air conditioners in overdrive, it’s taxing the grid.
What’s worse is that the Golden State is the number one state for EVs. People need to get around, so they’re charging their vehicles — and plenty of people are getting ready for Labor Day road trips. The problem is that the state wants people to not charge as much right now. So the American Public Power Association and state energy regulators are asking people to turn up the temperature of their air conditioners and to turn down how much they’re charging their EVs.
“The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights” the association said. They’re asking EV owners to only charge between 4 pm and 9 pm.
If thousands of EVs charging at the same time people are running their A/C or washing clothes can be too much for the grid to handle is a problem, you would think officials are doing what they can to guarantee the grid is prepared to make an all-EV transition, right? Nope. And as a state resident, it’s annoying to see.
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Despite all the lead-up to the ICE ban and inevitable EV transition, no one has done anything to address how weak the grid is here in California. Not to mention not everyone thinks the plan is viable, especially with equality and unaffordability concerns with EVs.
We literally have power outages if the wind blows too hard. Sure, there have been plans or investments made in clean energy generating initiatives. Wind farms, geothermal plants, etc. Everything is being done to deliver more power to the grid, but nothing to actually prepare the grid to handle that extra power and load from potentially millions of EVs.
What’s worse is that some of the state officials’ steps have contradicted themselves. Consider that in January 2022, Governor Newsom’s office, along with the Biden Administration, announced huge plans for the state’s clean energy sector. Among them was a Lithium valley to provide materials needed to manufacture EV batteries and electrical grids that “enable a 100-percent clean electric grid, and move the state’s homes and industries away from fossil fuels.”
But then just five months later, a report came out in the L.A. Times that a controversial plan state legislators were considering would do just the opposite: it would give the Department of Water Resources broad, desperate authority by giving the department the power to buy energy from anyone that supplies it, including diesel generators and four gas-fire energy plants that were supposed to have been shuttered two years ago.
The Governor and other state officials are also backing a plan that would set aside a fund of $5 billion to maintain the current grid rather than investing in making it better. Even worse, details of the plan include relying on fossil fuel-powered generators to shore up the grid.
It all comes down to this. While an EV transition and clean energy are needed to save the planet from global warming, officials need to take a step back and consider why they’re in such a hurry with pressing ahead with the EV transition while not properly investing in making a better power grid. As summers get hotter and more and more people to buy EVs, we’re going to be facing a lot of rolling blackouts thanks to an unprepared grid.