Breaking News—McClenny Moseley Suspended

Breaking News—McClenny Moseley Suspended

My bet is that everybody is having a better weekend than the attorneys and others affiliated with McClenny Moseley and Associates.

In an extraordinary and sad order, a Federal judge in Louisiana has suspended McClenny Moseley and Associates and their lawyers and affiliated lawyers from the practice of law. The complete Order is available for you to review at the attached link.

In Re: McCdlenny Moseley & Assoc., No. 2:22-cv-04277 [Memorandum Order] (W.D. La. Mar. 4, 2023).

This Order will have a more far-reaching effect than just Louisiana. State and federal Bar rules require any attorney suspended in another jurisdiction to report that suspension to every other Bar where the attorney is licensed. Those other Bar associations can then investigate and start disciplinary proceedings if the conduct in one jurisdiction would be unethical in the other.

The Order is sad because it will probably have the effect of harming the reputation of all attorneys. The vast majority of attorneys representing policyholders and insurance companies are ethical and simply doing the best they can for their clients with the talents and abilities God has given them. This current situation appears to be one of greed getting in the way of ethics and common sense.

Thought of the Day

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently.
—Warren Buffett

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