A Shirtless Guy With A Dog Led LAPD On A Low-Speed Chase In A Golf Cart

A Shirtless Guy With A Dog Led LAPD On A Low-Speed Chase In A Golf Cart

We’ve seen everything from stolen Rolls Royces to witnessing multiple carjacking attempts on live TV in southern California, though a chase last night might be one of the strangest yet. ABC7 reports a man with no shirt stole a golf cart and led police on a chase with his dog in his lap.

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The incident happened Sunday around 9 p.m. in West Hollywood. LAPD responded to calls of a robbery off Ventura Boulevard. According to the police, the unknown caller said the suspect had allegedly stolen a golf cart at knifepoint before fleeing.

Shirtless suspect leads LA police on bizarre slow-speed chase in golf cart with dog in lap

By the time police arrived they found the man without a shirt, cruising along with a dog in his lap. Police gave chase. But chase here is a relative term; speeds only hit about 19 mph or so. The chase was so slow that police were able to box the suspect in after he turned into a parking lot. Even then the suspect still tried to get away.

KCAL says police also put down spike strips:

The pursuit began at around 9:10 p.m. with a suspect whom police say is wanted for assault with a deadly weapon. At some point, the suspect took off in the golf cart, prompting the chase to begin.

With SkyCal overhead, officers could be seen throwing multiple unsuccessful spike strips towards the cart, which said “security” on the side.

After noticing he was surrounded, he hopped off the golf cart and attempted to get away, all while holding his dog. At some point though he must’ve decided the dog wasn’t worth it as police say he dropped the animal before he was taken into custody. No injuries were reported. I’m more surprised that the case went on as long as it did, though if a suspect could be armed better safe than sorry. 

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