5 Questions: Alan Ogilvie, president, Church Mutual

5 Questions: Alan Ogilvie, president, Church Mutual

We view it as important to kind of weave it into the fabric of our organization, rather than viewing it as a project or an initiative. You mentioned, for example, our sensors, that was one of our early plays in that space. And we’re incredibly pleased – we’ve got over 16,000 locations deployed. These sensors can detect anything from temperature extremes to water leaks to power outages. And that’s certainly very much on our mind. If you think most recently about the polar vortex that affected a good portion of the United States. In 2022 we had, I think, it was over 9000, water alerts and over 6000 temperature alerts. Particularly with the niches we operate in, it’s incredibly valuable to help them and avoid the disruption, not to mention for us to avoid the losses.

If you think about certain religious institutions, they can have relics and historical objects that, frankly, are irreplaceable. And so no amount of money is going to replace some of these historical relics. To help them understand how technology like this can help them avoid the loss of some of their most prized possessions is important.

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