5 Great Reasons To Get Camera Insurance

various items of camera equipment viewed from above on a wooden table top

With an estimated 1.72 trillion photographs being taken every year, cameras play a huge role in our lives. Whether you’re an amateur snapper or a professional shooter, you want to be sure your kit and camera are protected. But when was the last time you stopped to work out what it’s all worth?

However careful we try to be, there’s always the chance something unexpected could happen, especially as the nights are drawing in bringing cold, wet weather which makes the risk of accidental damage or theft more likely.

Have you ever thought about what you would do if some of your equipment got lost, or was damaged or stolen? There are lots of options out there for camera insurance, but is it worth it? Here at The Insurance Emporium we’ve come up with five reasons why you should get camera insurance.

Photography Isn’t Cheap

It’s estimated that UK consumers spent around £2.13 billion on photographic equipment in 2021 alone.

Modern camera equipment is much more sophisticated than it used to be. It’s not a cheap hobby and if photography is your business, then you know the importance of having the right kit.

Chances are you’ve built up quite a collection of equipment, not only the cameras themselves but also lenses, chargers, memory cards, tripods, and editing equipment and while some of those items can be replaced quite cheaply, others, such as DSLRs, can cost quite a bit to replace. Never mind the loss of earnings while you take the time to replace them, and some items, such as props, aren’t that easily replaced.

If you’re a professional photographer, then your camera isn’t just a source of enjoyment, but also a source of income, which means it’s even more important to have the correct measures in place so if the worst does happen, your business can keep running smoothly.

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Picture this; you’re all set up, ready to capture the perfect sunrise from the beach. You step back and stumble on a rock that was part of somebody’s sandcastle the day before, you lose your grip on your camera and drop it, leaving you with a broken lens and a camera full of sand. Or you accidentally leave a vital piece of kit behind when you’re rushing to clear away before it starts raining after a long shoot.

It only takes one small accident, so wouldn’t it be good to know that you don’t have to spend precious time and money sorting repairs, or even a replacement?

Data Recovery is also an option on some policies, as is Accidental Portfolio Damage so you can be covered for the cost of re-duplicating or re-printing.

Whilst the manufacturer’s warranty may cover the cost of replacing faulty kit within a certain timeframe, it will not cover accidentally damaged or stolen equipment.

a black camera sitting on the sand with waves gently lapping over it


Having your camera, or any of your equipment, stolen, can really set you back. Apart from knocking your confidence, the cost of replacing your equipment can be huge.

You can take all the right precautions, but it only takes a few minutes for something to happen; for example, you might leave your equipment in the boot of your car while you stop off at the services for a quick coffee on the way back from a shoot, or you might be photographing an event with lots of people around and something goes missing.

This is where camera insurance really comes in handy. Policies may cover the cost of replacing your damaged, lost, or stolen equipment, or even the cost of hiring temporary equipment whilst yours is being repaired or replaced.

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Public Liability

Even if you’re not a professional photographer, unless you only use your camera inside your house, chances are you’ll be working near/around other people at some point, which can increase the risk of mishaps and you could be liable to pay for costs if a claim is made against you.

Public Liability is included in both Amateur & Semi-Professional policies, and Professional policies with The Insurance Emporium.

Camera Insurance v Other Insurance

Most home insurance policies should cover any costs incurred when something happens to your photographic equipment, for example, if your camera is lost or damaged, but you should make sure it offers enough protection, for example, cover for accidental damage, or damage that happens outside the home.

Also, if you make a claim for your camera and/or kit on your home contents insurance, the excess you pay may be higher than with camera-specific plans, which could increase your premiums, and affect your no-claims-bonus.

female photographer in a cream-coloured long-sleeved jacket taking a photo looking at the reader

Other Things To Consider

Specialist camera insurance is tailored to your needs and you can tweak it depending on if it’s a hobby or your profession by choosing either Amateur & Semi-Professional cover, or Professional cover.

If something happens to your equipment it’s not just a case of buying a new camera; if you sit down and add up the cost of all the equipment you have, including accessories, props, and gadgets, the total is probably more than you think.

You can choose a range of optional benefits, depending on the kind of photography you do. For example, urban photography could be thought of as being at a higher risk of theft or loss, whereas if sports photography is your thing, then you might want to consider protection against accidental damage.

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Losing a camera can be really upsetting, not just because photography equipment can be expensive, but because you also have to find and arrange equivalent replacements which can be time-consuming and inconvenient, especially if you make money from your photography.

It’s worth taking the time to find the most suitable Camera Insurance package for you, especially when new customers can make the most of a 25% Introductory Discount* at The Insurance Emporium, then you can carry on shooting with the peace of mind you get from knowing that your precious equipment is adequately protected.

*The 25% Introductory Discount is available on lunar and calendar monthly policies and policies where the premium is paid annually.

The Introductory Discount is available for the first 12 premium payments on lunar and calendar monthly policies or one premium payment on annual policies.

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We offer a variety of cover levels, so please check the policy cover suits your needs before purchasing. For your protection, please ensure you read the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and policy wording, for information on policy exclusions and limitations.