Why is progressive on my credit report?

Why is progressive on my credit report?

Progressive Management Systems is a debt collection on your credit report. They purchased your debt from a creditor (i.e. a credit card or loan company). They may attempt to communicate with you via mail or phone calls (demanding payment). Even worse, a collections account now appears on your credit report. 5 days ago

Who is the debt collector for Progressive Insurance?

Progressive Management Systems (PMS) is a debt collection agency headquartered in West Covina, California, with an office in Las Vegas, Nevada. You may see PMS listed on your credit report as ‘pms collections’, ‘progressive mgmt sys’, ‘progressive management s’, or ‘progressive mgmt system’.

How do I pay my Progressive Insurance Collection?

Online: Log in to our customer service site to pay online. Text: Send a payment via your cell phone or mobile device. Phone: Make a payment by phone at 1-800-776-4737. Automatic payments: Set up an installment plan to automatically deduct your payment each month.

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