Why do houses in Florida have flat roofs?

Why do houses in Florida have flat roofs?

Most commercial buildings, however, have flat roofs. Why is that? It’s because their large square footage and design wouldn’t allow for a slope at the same angle as a single-family home. The roof would be too high, as well as costly. Jul 5, 2019

Does having a safe reduce home insurance?

Not only that, safes also allow you to protect your valuables from other hazards such as fire and flood. This is something that insurance companies pick up on, and if you have a safe in your home, they will be likely to lower your home’s premiums. Mar 3, 2017

Can roofers go door to door in Florida?

Ron DeSantis signs Senate Bill 76, which was passed by the Florida legislature on April 30. This bill restricts the ability of roofers to solicit homeowners door-to-door and slaps legal and financial handcuffs on attorneys who work with these contractors, frequently filing lawsuits on their behalf. May 4, 2021

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