Why do houses have triangular roofs?

Why do houses have triangular roofs?

Because of its triangular shaped slope, it allows rain, leaves and any other remains or weather damage to fall off the roof an away from the structure. Pitch and steep grades makes gabled roofs different from each other. Their purpose is mainly to protect the roof from damaging effects of water.

Do you have to replace your roof every 15 years in Florida?

The money the seller paid for that roof may be warrantied for 30 years in northern states, but here in Florida that 30 Year Shingle Roof still must be replaced by the 15-year mark!

What is the new roof law in Florida?

The new law includes the following changes: Homeowners must file property insurance, supplemental insurance, or reopened claims within two years. If a roof is less than ten years old, the insurance company must fully cover a replacement. Oct 28, 2021

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