Which of the following is something that will not affect your homeowners insurance premium?

Which of the following is something that will not affect your homeowners insurance premium?

Which of the following is something that will not affect your homeowners insurance premium? Answer: A (The distance of the home from a school.)

Which is better replacement cost or actual cash value?

While actual cash value is cheaper, replacement cost provides better coverage since it includes the recoverable depreciation of your property.

Is hazard insurance the same as homeowners insurance?

While policies can differ from company to company, any regular homeowner’s insurance scheme will come down to ‘Hazards Insurance Vs Home Insurance’.

What is dwelling deductible?

Dwelling coverage is usually subject to limits and deductibles. Your limit is the maximum amount that your homeowners insurance policy will pay toward a covered loss. Your deductible is the amount you’ll pay out of pocket toward a covered claim. When you buy homeowners insurance, you choose your dwelling coverage limit …

Does mortgage insurance go up every year?

Since annual mortgage insurance is re-calculated each year, your PMI cost will go down every year as you pay off the loan. Mar 15, 2022

See also  Will homeowners insurance pay for a new roof?