Where does the bathtub overflow go?

Where does the bathtub overflow go?

The overflow component is located several inches under the rim of the tub. The two drains are connected by several tubes that go from the bathtub and merge into one main pipe line. The water that enters the overflow hole, goes down a pipe which is connected to the tub floor drain. Aug 31, 2021

What is the silver circle in a bathtub?

The overflow drain on a bathtub prevents a bathroom flood by passively draining water once it reaches a certain level in the tub. The overflow drain pipe connects to the main tub drain pipe to dispose of the extra water. Oct 2, 2020

How can I fill my bathtub more high?

How to Make a Bathtub Deeper – Ideas You Can Use Make Use of a Better Bath Deep Water Bath. Sugru Moldable Glue Can be Used to Plug the Overflow Drain Hole. Install a Drain Cover Plate on the Overflow Drain. Cover the Overflow Drain Hole with a Caulk Strip. Get a New Bathtub. What happens to the tub overflow? More items… • Jul 29, 2021

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