What’s the oldest insurance company?

What’s the oldest insurance company?

1710 Charles Povey formed the Sun, the oldest insurance company in existence which still conducts business in its own name. It is the forerunner of the Royal & Sun Alliance Group. 1735 The Friendly Society, the first insurance company in the United States, was established in Charleston, South Carolina.

What insurance company has the most complaints?

Geico customers were most likely to complain about claims (53.6%), while Chubb customers were the least (38.6%). Nationwide had the most favorable Complaint Index rating for auto insurance, while Chubb did best for home insurance. Nov 9, 2021

How do I cancel my Allstate policy?

To cancel Allstate, the policyholder must contact their agent directly or call customer service at 1 (877) 810-2920. Your agent may ask you to submit a written request for cancellation. The cancellation can be arranged for a future date or set to take effect immediately. Jun 29, 2020

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