What’s accidental damage on home insurance?

What’s accidental damage on home insurance?

Accidental damage is defined as sudden and unexpected damage to your property or contents by an outside force. For instance, spilling a drink and staining the carpet, or drilling through a pipe. Accidental damage cover is sometimes included in home insurance, but usually it’s sold as an optional extra.

Can I claim for a broken window on my house insurance?

Even though you have buildings insurance you should still check your policy carefully but most should provide cover for a broken window. However, there may be some restrictions depending on how the damage occurred. Whether the damage was caused accidentally or by vandalism for instance.

Can I claim for a TV on my house insurance?

Most home insurance policies will pay out for damage to home entertainment equipment like televisions or stereos. However, other accidents like marker pen on the walls or fruit juice spillages might require extended accidental damage cover if you want to claim. Feb 11, 2021

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