What is Todd Combs salary?

What is Todd Combs salary?

As the Independent Director of JPMorgan Chase & Co, the total compensation of Todd Combs at JPMorgan Chase & Co is $370,810. There are 18 executives at JPMorgan Chase & Co getting paid more, with James Dimon having the highest compensation of $31,612,600. Jan 20, 2022

Who owns Dairy Queen Warren Buffett?

Berkshire HathawayBerkshire Hathaway has an amazing range of businesses under its umbrella. Buffett is a master at acquiring and running profitable businesses, from the company’s core insurance companies to Dairy Queen and furniture stores. Buffett is also one of the most successful investors in history with his value investing style.

What is the oldest insurance company?

1710 Charles Povey formed the Sun, the oldest insurance company in existence which still conducts business in its own name. It is the forerunner of the Royal & Sun Alliance Group. 1735 The Friendly Society, the first insurance company in the United States, was established in Charleston, South Carolina.

How much of Berkshire does Buffett own?

Berkshire Hathaway Kiewit Tower, the location of Berkshire’s corporate offices in Omaha, Nebraska Total equity US$514.9 billion (2021) Owner Warren Buffett (30.71% of the aggregate voting power and 16.45% of the economic interest) Number of employees 372,000 (2021) Subsidiaries List of subsidiaries 19 more rows

Does Berkshire Own Mcdonalds?

At the end of last year, Berkshire Hathaway owned 30.2 million shares of McDonald’s, which it purchased at an average cost of $41.96 a share. That gave Berkshire Hathaway a 4.3 percent stake in the fast-food chain. So far, the investment has been profitable, but hardly a barn-burner. Mar 17, 1997

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