What is the most common home insurance claim?

What is the most common home insurance claim?

Property damage from water is the most common homeowner’s insurance claim, followed by wind and hail, fire and lightening and theft, which all combined accounted for 98.1 percent of those claims. Jan 14, 2021

What are the most common house insurance claims?

What Are the Most Common Homeowners Insurance Claims? #1: Wind & Hail (34% of Claims) …#2: Water Damage & Freezing (29% of Claims) …#3: Fire and Lightning Damage (25% of Claims) …#4: All Other Property Damage (7% of claims) …#5: Liability (3% of Claims) …#6: Theft (1% of Claims) More items… • Dec 8, 2017

How often do people use their home insurance?

Insurance agent David Shaffer says it’s once every 10 years, according to insurance company underwriters’ studies. Homeowners claims are filed less frequently than automobile claims because houses don’t move: Essentially, the event must come to the home.

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