What is Shaquille O Neal’s net worth?

What is Shaquille O Neal’s net worth?

$400 millionAccording to Celebrity Net Worth, O’Neal has an estimated net worth of $400 million. Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. Oct 29, 2021

What is Lebron James net worth?

about $850 millionAfter accounting for taxes, spending and investment returns, Forbes estimates James’ net worth to be about $850 million. On the court, James’ Lakers contract makes him the NBA’s fifth-highest-paid player, but it’s his off-court savvy that puts him in a league of his own. Aug 21, 2021

How much is Dennis Rodman worth right now?

$500,000What is Rodman’s net worth? It turns out that after his professional career in the NBA and despite those and other great incomes he received in wrestling, Rodman currently has a net worth calculated in the vicinity of $500,000, according to the Celebrity Net Worth site. Feb 21, 2022

How many Papa John’s does Shaq O’Neal own?

nine Papa John’s pizza franchisesO’Neal’s nine Papa John’s pizza franchises cost in the neighborhood of $800,000 a piece, so he looks to have holdings worth in the neighborhood of $7 million. He also serves as a brand ambassador for the 37-year-old company and has been on its board of directors since 2019. Dec 8, 2021

Does Shaq own five guys?

Shaquille O’Neal Owns 155 Five Guys Restaurants, 40 Fitness Centers, And 1 Movie Theater Among Other Businesses. Shaquille O’Neal is one the most dominant players in NBA history, but also one of the smartest. The Big Diesel always liked to have fun, but he knew that money isn’t made to just spend it. Feb 26, 2022

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Is Shaq part owner of the general?

Shaq owns part of The General, Gold Bond, Icy Hot, Buick, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Forever 21, JCPenney, Auntie Annie’s Pretzels. He also works as a DJ under the name DJ Diesel, is a minority owner in the NBA’s Sacremento Kings, works as a presenter for TNT and in early 2021 launched an Agency named Majority. Mar 22, 2022

Does Shaq own Krispy Kreme?

The Krispy Kreme franchise is partially owned by basketball legend and sports commentator Shaquille O’Neal. Jul 28, 2021