What is hospital cash insurance in Paytm?

What is hospital cash insurance in Paytm?

Hospital Cash Insurance is simply an insurance policy that provides a fixed sum insured for each day of hospitalization of more than 24-hours. It is a fixed daily allowance that is paid to the policyholder to meet miscellaneous expenses during the period of hospitalization.

What is hospital cash benefit in Max Bupa?

Max Bupa Hospital Cash insurance provides coverage for miscellaneous expenses incurred. It supplements the regular health insurance policy to cover incidental hospitalization expenses, such as attendant lodging, nursing expenses, transportation cost, etc. and relieves the policyholder from the financial burden.

What is surgical cash?

Yateesh Srivastava, Chief Marketing Officer AEGON Religare explains, “Surgical cash benefit is a benefit that is paid out if the insured has a surgery. In a surgical cash plan a fixed amount, depending on the type of surgery, is paid out. This is not dependent on actual expenditure incurred. Nov 16, 2012

Why IPD is important in hospital?

Why IPD is important in hospital? IPD is a very important department in any hospital, where a patient is admitted to get a medical treatment. Generally, patients get admitted to an IPD for emergency medical assistance, medical treatments, childbirth, and for surgical procedures. 6 days ago

What is IPD in insurance?

A traditional health insurance policy typically covers in-patient department (IPD) expenses that require hospitalisation. Nov 26, 2020

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